don't postpone joy

Thursday, August 11, 2005

shooting star...

I just saw one as I was driving home
I'm still making wishes
How many do you think I get?


At 12 August, 2005 01:16, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

As many as you want, but just don't expect them all to come true.

At 12 August, 2005 06:35, Blogger daisyduke said...

I have no expectations. Not one.
I do, however, LOOK for a positive outcome...

At 12 August, 2005 09:38, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

You're a country girl, it's like that 1990 or 1992 Randy TRravis song (from when I lived upstate in cowboy country), "The road to hell is paved with good intentions."

Hope is what gets us out of bed in the morning, and beer is what helps us go back to bed at night when those hopes have been crushed.

Don't get me wrong. I might be on the verge of a 5 day weekend since work doesn't know what to do with me. I get paid for all these days off so I am in a great mood.

I'm just saying is all.

Hope your week finishes off nicely & you rest up this weekend for ... (scary music here "duhnt duhnt duh") ... THE KIDS!

At 12 August, 2005 09:51, Blogger daisyduke said...

I believe we make hell for ourselves and that it does not exist underground with flames and a red guy with horns.
I don't choose to be in hell, now or ever...looks like you won't be there either, with a 5 day weekend, ahead...woooooooooohoooooooooo!!!!!

At 12 August, 2005 12:36, Blogger Rat In A Cage said...

Yippy. Got the grocery shopping done, car fueled up, washed & laundry is presently in thedryer.

Go Johnny, Go Johnny!

At 16 August, 2005 01:00, Blogger Unknown said...

ah..someone else that still believes in child things..i love that you did that...nice lil post..thanks :)


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